We recommend that your barefoot horse is correctly and regularly trimmed by a farrier or trimmer who understands the type of trim required for a working barefoot equine
This ‘barefoot trim’, ‘performance trim’ or ‘natural trim’ is not the same as a basic ‘pasture’ trim given to a non-working horses at grass.
Who should trim your horse - farrier, barefoot trimmer, or equine podiatrist? There’s certainly no right or wrong answer, so seek recommendation from local barefoot horse owners. In this article, we are looking at trimmers and Equine Podiatrists - e.g. non-farriers.
In summary, Equine Podiatrists base their trims on the ethos of KC La Pierre, which maintains that trimming to ‘represent the true biomechanics of the hoof’ is ‘the ideal’. KC’s High Performance Trim method (HPT) is based on this ethos. The USA’s Institute of Applied Equine Podiatry (IAEP) was founded by KC, and its practices ‘strive to expose the equine hoof to proper environmental stimuli, making every effort to promote proper structure and function.’ Graduates of this method are known as Degreed Applied Equine Podiatrists (DAEPs). Visit - http://www.appliedequinepodiatry.org
Members of the Equine Podiatry Association (UK), or EPAUK, are also advocates of the ‘structural’ philosophy, and utilise a list of key markers that enable the ‘EP’ to fully assess the health of a horse’s feet. Their website states: “The approach is somewhat different to traditional farriery, educating owners so that they can understand how different factors influence the health of the hoof.’ UK-based EP training is provided by Equine Podiatry Training Ltd, in order to gain a Diploma in Equine Podiatry. Graduates are known as qualified Equine Podiatrists. Visit - http://www.epauk.org
The American AANHCP was founded by Jaime Jackson, and follows the ‘wild horse model’, based on the research and findings of wild, free-roaming equines. It’s UK equivalent, which is a stand-alone organisation, is UK National Horse Care Practitioners, or UKNHCP. They state that they are: ‘An organisation... focusing on whole horse health and improving barefoot horse performance.’ Practicing trimmers using this ‘minimalist’ method are commonly known as Certified Natural Hoofcare Practitioners, or sometimes more informally, Barefoot Trimmers. Visit - http://www.uknhcp.org.uk
Other trimmers
In addition, there are hoofcare practitioners who have taken inspiration from all of the trimming and hoofcare advocates, and offer a service that they feel takes the best bits from the major barefoot hoofcare groups.
Opinions vary on whom to choose of course, but the most important things to consider is that the chosen hoofcare professional must do no harm, and should work with you to create a sound horse. It is also advisable to ask for references or to see examples of their work, and also to check that they have the relevant insurance in place.
Remember that lots of barefoot horses benefit from the use of modern hoof boots; they not only give total protection to the sole of the barefoot horse, but with the use of specialist pads inside the boots, replicate the support and feedback that the horse would receive when worked barefoot on good going.
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